

1.Death and Funerals

a. Do you have any international friends or a host family? If so, how would you express your condolences to them if a family member died?

Yes, I have. I have a host mother in U.K. It is difficult for me to attend her funeral, but I would send a letter. I would write " I'm awfully sorry to hear that.", " Please accept my sincere condolences.", " I am so sad to hear about your bereavement." and so on. It' difficult to express my condolence to her by letter, compared with by mouth.

b. Have you ever been to a foreign funeral?

No, I haven't. I have been to only Japanese funerals, but I have never express my condolences to someone because I didn't know how I express in those days.

2. The language of Clothes

a.Why are Japanese designer label crazy?

Because many people want to boast their designer label. In Japan, many women like high brands. I think Japanese attache to designer label, compared with foreigners. They have same bags and wallet. I don't like those because many people have those. I don't know why they want to have things many people have.

Why is what you wear so important?

Because Clothse impress on people very much. If the person wear untidy clothes, people don't have a good impression. If the person wear clean clothes, people have a good impression. When we meet a new pesrson, clothes is very important. When I meet a new person, I would look at her or his face and clothes at first. I think it's one of etiquette for us to wear clean clothes when we meet a new person.

b.What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?

I think a book is character and cover is clothes. The cover is not good, but content may be interesting. We mustn't decide only a cover. Therefore, This means " Don't judge people's character by their clothes.

1 件のコメント:

HJU Teacher さんのコメント...

Excellent comments again!