The English language has many proverbs and sayings about time.
Please explain what you think are the meanings of each of the 4 expressions
1. Time is money.
Time is as important as money, so you must not waste time. I think the reason is that you can not turn back the clock. You can spend the time only once. If you wasted time, you must regret that. Money is important for me, but time is more important than money for me. That is because if I wasted money, I might be able to manage. However, when I wasted time and wanted to turn back the clock, it is impossible. Therefore, time is more important than money for me.
2.A stitch in time saves nine.
You should be careful of everything in advance to fail. When you failed and notice, it will be too late. For example, in the test period, I often cram for the examination In Japanese, it is called "Ichiyazuke". I know I have to study for the examinaton too far in advance, but I can not do that. If I got a bad score test, I regret that I did not study for the examination too far in advance.
3.There's no time like the present.
You should do it now when you found what you want to do. If a chance came, you should get into action without hesitation. If you missed a chance, the chance might come again. If you thought it is a good chance, you have to do that now!!
4. Fashionable late
I think the meaning is that clothing, hairstyle, things,songs and persons have gone out now. They were very popular in those days, but they are not popular in these days. If my friend sang "tarako-tarako", I would say " You are fashionable late!"
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