
Homework#12 Education

After listening to today’s presentations and reading what the new Minister of Education in the newspapers. Please read the opinion in the December 6th International Herald Tribune.

Do you agree with the writer? Why? Give at least 3 examples to support your answ

I agree with the auther. Japanese English skill is more poor than other countries. However, it is a good idea for children to learn English early? I think it is not good to start learning from the first grade. They have to learn English than Japanese because many young Japanese can't use proper Japanese. I am one of them. I think many Japanese are proud of speaking fluent English than speaking proper Japanese. English is important, but Japanese is more important in our life. We should speak more correct Japanese because it is our mother tongue. I have learned English since I was first-year junior high school student. I think it is the good time. In a elementary school, there are a few people who can teach English. On the airticle, only about 4 percent of elementary school teachers are currently certified to teach English. And few can pronounce the language like a native speaker. It is a big problem. Those people will be trained, but it will cost much money. Is it really neccessary to train English teachers like native speakers out to spend much money?



This week's homework is to read an article from the Japan Times and give your opinion. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/member/member.html?ek20060110ks.htm

Do you agree or disagree with the author (who is Japanese). Please explain why in your blog.

I agree with the auther a little. However, I was shocked because I have not heard many men think like this article and there are not men like this article around me.

First, I can not understand many young men do not like to get close, get commited and become that most covered of conditions. In addition, men think women are a hassle and gifts cost money. If they have women who they love, it is normal to get close and know more each other. Then, they think about marriage someday. Moreover, gifts may cost money, but if they are feeling womens who they love in their mind, they should not mind paying much money. However, many men do not like these things. Passionate heart want for them. I think men like these are weak and have no sense of responsibility. Then, what are the solutions? Women make an effort for men? I thinik it depens on men's mind.

Next, many men are less interested in marriage and child-rearing. If they are young, they may not be able to think about these. However, if they are in late twenties and early thirties and have girlfriends, they have to think about marriage. I think they should have the responsibility for girlfriends' lives. Maybe men think this thought is heavy, but it is important for each other. If I am in late twenties and have a boyfriend, but he can not think about marrriage. I will break up him.


Homework#10 Table Manners

Today we discussed table manners from all over the world. Please answer the following questions in your blog.

Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience. Did you learn anything?

Yes, I have. I have eaten in UK. I ate curry with my friends at the Indian restaurant. A waiter was probably Indian. He was very friendly and kind. We were worrying what we should have ordered because we have never eaten carry at a Indian restaurant. Then he advised us some curry, rice and nan bread, so we could have ordered some menus. After that, he served menues that we ordered. However, he served carry that we didn't order. He said " This is a service". We were happy and ate it. Then we finished eating and paid a bill. We calculated a bill and prepared money all together. Although a waiter gave us the account and we saw it, it was high than we thought. I think curry that a waiter said " This is a service." was not free. Perhaps he thought we didn't understand English well, so he recommended curry and said that is is free. It was the goodness of his heart, but it was annoying for us.

Waiters are interested in foreigners and talk with them skillfully. However, we mustn't fall for their line.