This week's homework is to read an article from the Japan Times and give your opinion. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/member/member.html?ek20060110ks.htm
Do you agree or disagree with the author (who is Japanese). Please explain why in your blog.
I agree with the auther a little. However, I was shocked because I have not heard many men think like this article and there are not men like this article around me.
First, I can not understand many young men do not like to get close, get commited and become that most covered of conditions. In addition, men think women are a hassle and gifts cost money. If they have women who they love, it is normal to get close and know more each other. Then, they think about marriage someday. Moreover, gifts may cost money, but if they are feeling womens who they love in their mind, they should not mind paying much money. However, many men do not like these things. Passionate heart want for them. I think men like these are weak and have no sense of responsibility. Then, what are the solutions? Women make an effort for men? I thinik it depens on men's mind.
Next, many men are less interested in marriage and child-rearing. If they are young, they may not be able to think about these. However, if they are in late twenties and early thirties and have girlfriends, they have to think about marriage. I think they should have the responsibility for girlfriends' lives. Maybe men think this thought is heavy, but it is important for each other. If I am in late twenties and have a boyfriend, but he can not think about marrriage. I will break up him.
2 件のコメント:
I agree with your opinion that you will break up your boyfriend if he doesn't think about marriage with you although you are late 20s. We alway want to find man who can be suit us.
I like your opinion. don't you think we want guys to see this article to find out what man would think?